Wszyscy chcemy, aby nasze życie miało znaczenie i było częścią większej historii. Dlatego Bóg zaprasza nas do włączenia się w Jego historię zwaną Missio Dei – Misja Boga. Jest to Boży Plan ratunkowy, który Bóg niestrudzenie realizuje od początku dziejów. W tej serii nauczania będziemy zastanawiać się nad tym jak każdy z nas może się włączyć w to co Bóg robi nie tylko w historii świata, ale też w naszym otoczeniu. Jak żyć, aby stać się częścią Missio Dei tam gdzie jesteśmy?
Coraz bliżej Święta! Po raz kolejny możemy wspominać to wyjątkowe wydarzenie, kiedy Bóg stał się człowiekiem i przyszedł na ten świat jako niemowlę w mieścinie zwanej Betlejem. Bóg nie tylko wkroczył w naszą historię, ale obiecał, że zrobi to jeszcze raz. Dlatego wspominając pierwsze przyjście Jezusa na świat, chcemy kontynuować naszą wędrówkę przez Księgę Objawienia Jana, aby przygotować się na Jego kolejne przyjście.
Revelation awakens many emotions. Although many think otherwise, it doesn’t contain a coded script of the future but helps us change the way we look at the present. It speaks of the problems and challenges Christians have faced across the ages and with which we struggle today. All so that we might walk daily in the knowledge we are ready for the seconding coming of Jesus.
In this series as we focus on different character traits and values, it is vital to remember that our lives are lived in the context of the fruit of the Spirit. Our character is a direct result of God’s Spirit in us, not a result of our hard work, and is related to our reliance on His power in us. It’s not about trying harder to be more loving, joyful, or patient, it’s about our being more submissive to God as He changes us through the visible fruits of the Spirit.
Sometimes we discover that what is most important is invisible, or better, the One who is Invisible. When Jesus left this earth, He promised to sent an Invisible Counselor, the Holy Spirit living in us. Who then is this Holy Spirit and how does He work in our lives? How are we filled with the Holy Spirit and how do we take advantage of His gifts. How should we think about and understand the miraculous appearances of the Holy Spirit? Our new series, Invisible, will attempt to answer these questions and much more.
Sometimes when life gets difficult and God seems to be silent, we wonder if our faith is at all meaningful or if we should begin looking for something better. Those who first read Hebrews faced similar questions. The letter’s author, however, shows that Jesus is both greater and more amazing than anything that had come before Him. As we begin a new series based on the fascinating letter called Hebrews, we hope you’ll also discover that Jesus is simply the best!
The epidemic has in many ways provoked tensions and problems between children and their parents. Some of us are wondering how to survive with each other under one roof. In this new series we’ll not only talk about how to respect and treat each other, but even more importantly, we’ll deal with our responsibility to infect the next generation with love for God and others.
Being a disciple of Jesus is the single greatest challenge of our lives. It begins with changes in our own lives and flows into our relationships with others in our homes, with friends, and in our churches. In this series, we want to help people see the different aspects of being a disciple in the context of the relationships which are a part of life.
Jesus Christ is such a unique character that it is difficult to find one way to describe who He is and what He did. As we prepare for another Christmas season, we want to look at Jesus from four different Biblical perspectives. We’ll look at the perspective of a prophet, evangelist, theologian, and visionary. Our hope is that these four perspectives of Jesus will not only help you to see Him in a new way but will ultimately help you to change your perspective on life.
God is love and yet also invisible. However people can clearly see God and love through Christians who believe and love those around them. Love is always visible and becomes tangible as we serve the world around us.
There are values and skills which, even though ancient, never lose their relevance and are even today vital in building relationships with God and others.
We’re meeting again after weeks of sitting in our homes. Coming together gives us an opportunity to remind ourselves of what it take to build fellowship which is more than walls. With that in mind, we reach for Nehemiah who encourages us to see what is unseen and reminds us of what we shouldn’t forget in the process.
Sometimes we don’t feel like we know how to speak with God in order to communicate what we are going through or how to describe what is happening around us. When that happens, maybe it would be best to borrow the right words from someone else, words which have stood the test of time and have been an inspiration for many generations. It’s always a good idea to reach for the Psalms, where we find conversations with God for every time and every topic.
We all like to hear colorful stories which surprise, intrigue, and cause us to think. Jesus was a masterful storyteller who often told “upside down” stories about our understanding of God, the world, and ourselves. Are you ready to have Him turn your world upside down?
When a child is having a hard time in school, often a tutor is needed. What happens when we realize we are in need of extra lessons in order to handle life? Is there someone who can help? Fortunately, Jesus offers to help with lessons from the Creator of life and the greatest Teacher of all time.
Thankfulness and generosity are often connected to each other. Joyful people are usually thankful people. The more thankful and joyful we are, the more we want to share with others — in order that they too might share in our joy. So, how do joy and thankfulness appear in our lives? That’s exactly what we’d like to talk about in the series, Thankful and Generous.
There are certain meetings which change one’s life. Suddenly we begin to see the world differently. We find answers for our questions and doubts. We experience encouragement and support in tough moments. We discover we aren’t alone. If meaningful changes happen in our lives when we meet people, how much more could meaningful change happen…if we meet with Jesus?
It is better together, but we all know that sometimes it is difficult to be together, at times we feel it is better by ourselves. This is why we need to learn how to live life together, so this summer we are going to learn values which help us live better together.
We all love to listen to colorful stories, especially those that tell real life stories about real people. SAGA is a sermon series about David’s life starting with when he became king. We particularly want to take a closer look at his family and the relationships he had with his loved ones, because the choices we make everyday affect not only us, but also those around us
Confrontation! Some people are afraid of it and others love it. However, no matter how we perceive the confrontation, it is part of our lives and sometimes necessary. Therefore, in order to learn wisdom in confrontation, we reach for the teachings of Jesus, which we find in the Gospel of Matthew. In the sermon on the mount, we can learn how not to run away from problems and difficult situations, but to face them in wisely.
Our worship services are not complicated in form, which does not mean that we don’t need to stop for a moment and thing about the meaning of the individual elements. This will help us experience each service at a deeper level and consciously cultivate your relationship with God and His Church.
"No man is a island, entire of itself" remarked John Donne, a British poet. However, although we live in a crowded world, many people live in loneliness. Others have some relationships, but they wonder if it wouldn’t be easier for them to be lonely islands. Our new sermon series, based on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, shows how the fact that we believe in God, who is in three Persons, impacts our relationships with other nationalities, and our family and social relationships. Because of this letter, we discover that life is #bettertogether.
When we get stuck in our journey through life, we finally realize that we need a turning point and a new beginning because we can’t deal with the problems that we have . The turning point is Jesus Christ. His coming changed the course of world history and was the beginning of the New Era. Therefore, He alone can change the course of any person’s life and open a new chapter in his life. The turning point is ahead of us.
In today’s of many different opinions, many ideas for life and voices that demand our attention, we are faced with the question: Whom do you listen to? The story of Elijah, one of the ancient Israeli prophets, will help us not only to understand who to listen to and how to listen in order to hear, but also how to speak so that others can hear.
We do not go to the Church only on Sunday, but we are the church throughout a whole week. In his Letter to Titus, the Apostle Paul reminds us of our task and of what the Church looks like when it’s growing toward maturity. So what does it mean to be a church 24/7 – 24 hours a day, seven days a week?
Some invitations change everything. That is the invitation that Jesus addresses to each of us, that we follow in his footsteps and follow him. However, this invitation does not end with us, but we are also to invite others to a relationship with Christ. So what can we do to be people who not only change themselves in response to the invitation of Jesus but also invite others?
No one wants to live a foolish life, that’s why this summer we are looking at life and the wisdom of the wisest of the kings of Israel – Solomon. We don’t only want to know the history of his reign, but also discover the timeless wisdom hidden in his parables. And that’s all we need to know for how to live wisely.
In life, we go through various experiences and experience different emotions. Sometimes it seems to us that nobody understands us because we are the only ones who struggle with them. Sometimes, we also ask ourselves the question ‘Why me?’. However, when we reach for the Bible, we can see our struggles from a different perspective. What’s more, we discover that our experiences are nothing new because many people have passed through them and many Christians go through them now – we are not alone. Easter Sunday
When Jesus taught, he would often tell simple stories, called parables. They resemble IMAGES of everyday life. However, when the listeners looked at them closely, the IMAGES became MIRRORs in which they could see their own faces. And when they continued to look at them, the MIRRORS became WINDOWS through which they could look at life from a completely new perspective, because in these stories, somewhere IN BETWEEN THE LINES, there are important lessons about God and life.
In life, it is easy to fall into apathy and stop expecting positive changes. However, in life with God there is always MORE, and because of Him we can discover that there is more than what is here and now, more in our relationship with Him and with people, and we always have more to give ourselves. So if you want a life in which HE IS MORE, you can not miss this series of sermons.
The coming of Jesus into the world is the most important event in history. Reading his story, we discover that he came into the world of very ordinary people. His ancestors had complicated stories. His birth turned his family’s life upside down, caught the attention of foreign thinkers and terrified the local authorities. The world of Jesus, though distant, is not so different from our own.
The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation is an excellent opportunity to remind ourselves of the biblical foundations that are the foundation of the evangelical church. In discovering them anew, we will go to the Letter to the Romans, which was not only an inspiration for the Reformation but also answers the most important question: How can a person be saved?
We want gratitude to become our lifestyle in our everyday life. That is why we value occasions when we can take a moment to notice how much we receive from God and thank Him for it. This year, during our celebration, we hosted the Bishop of the Christian Church of Poland, pastor Andrzej Bajeński.
Life is changing, and we’re facing new challenges, and some of them seem to overwhelm us. In order to better face these challenges, we can go to the Book of Joshua, which tells how the Israelites, though they did not feel prepared for it, had to enter their desired Promised Land. It turns out that when we go forward, the most important thing is who we go with and who we listen to.
If life is like a journey, then during this life, we go through various stages. It all starts with choosing a life path. Some travel alone along these roads and others in a duet. At some point, children appear, and we become parents. Then we find ourselves on some crossroad in our lives, until finally, we have to face the last straightaway, that is, old age and death. So how do you travel through life, so you do not get lost? Is it really …to be continued?
Miracles have fascinated and attracted attention for centuries- regardless of whether they were wonders of architecture, nature or supernatural phenomena. Reading the Gospel of John, we discover that John telling the story of Jesus focuses on the seven miracles that show who Jesus really is. These miracles surpass all the others we know because they are out of this world and their effects reach into eternity.
The events of Easter would not have occurred if it were not for a group of villains. Sometimes, however, when we get to know these figures closer, we discover that their attitudes towards Jesus can also be observed today. The longer we look at them, suddenly we start to see in them, like in a mirror, our own faces. Are you ready for it? If so, we invite you to travel with us through the last chapters of the Gospel of John.
What can be dangerous about prayer? If prayer is a conversation with God, some of these conversations can change more than you expect. When you say to God, who are you, Lord, examine me. Speak to me, Lord, and let Your will be done – God treats these prayers seriously and begins to change your life. Do you dare to have such a conversation with God?
If you want to know more about who we are as TOMY Christian Church, what is important to us, where we are going and what kind of church we want to become, then you can not miss the TO MY series of sermons. This is a great opportunity to get to know us.